JSCAPE 2024.3: Key Updates to Enhance Performance and Security in File Transfers

You asked for it, and JSCAPE by Redwood delivered! JSCAPE 2024.3 introduces some commonly requested features, including new detailed reporting, trigger capabilities and more.
Read on to see how Version 2024.3 will help simplify and enhance your JSCAPE experience in both SaaS and self-hosted environments.
Detailed reporting
Get all your key server process information at a glance. With new detailed reporting, you can review granular details related to triggers, directory monitors, sources, destinations, SSH and PGP keys and more, so you can better understand what your JSCAPE instance is doing with your files, whether for troubleshooting or auditing purposes.
Clear queued triggers in bulk
There may be times when an issue prevents a trigger from executing, and if the issue is not resolved, the triggers that follow may appear as “Queued” in JSCAPE’s trigger history. Depending on your organization, this may result in several triggers backing up in the trigger history as “Queued.” With the new capability for clearing multiple queued triggers at once, you can now easily and quickly clear multiple queued triggers from the JSCAPE trigger history tab so that after resolving the issue, you can run the appropriate trigger. JSCAPE’s comprehensive logging will still reflect the existence of the previously queued triggers for auditing purposes, helping to keep you compliant.
IP address allowlisting/denylisting in JSCAPE SaaS
Protect your organization from threats by enabling IP address allowlisting and denylisting in JSCAPE SaaS, also known as whitelisting and blacklisting. One of the best ways to secure your environment is by restricting who can access it, as you cannot execute an attack without getting in first. While this feature was previously available in JSCAPE SaaS, we’ve completely rebuilt this feature to ensure its performance. Restrict access based on the user’s geolocation or specific IP address and close off your organization from known threats.
Simplified UI/UX in JSCAPE SaaS
For our SaaS customers who have switched from on-premises JSCAPE, we’ve removed UI/UX related to the on-premises version to reduce any confusion over which capabilities are within your control and which are Redwood Software’s responsibility as your trusted SaaS provider.
Interested in SaaS? Reach out to us at sales@redwood.com to learn more and get a free demo.
Pagination of trigger history and directory monitor event history
JSCAPE no longer loads the entire history for a trigger or a directory monitor all at once. Now, JSCAPE will paginate the history instead, allowing you to work more quickly without loading delays.
We hope that these enhancements make your work day with JSCAPE even easier. Current customers can download Version 2024.3 by clicking here.
Not yet a JSCAPE customer? Experience how much easier managed file transfer can be by requesting a demo.