A growing number of businesses are finding it imperative to get certain products out in the market FAST. To beat extremely tight deadlines, most of them employ IT systems to accelerate business processes. Whenever these processes require file exchanges across departments, cities, or continents, file transfer systems start to play a crucial role. And that role doesn't just involve moving files from point A to point B.
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File Transfers Have a Much Bigger Impact On Time-To-Market Than You Think
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS, AS2
What is a Cipher? | Understanding Encryption Algorithms
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
The strength of an encryption largely depends on two components: 1) the cipher and 2) the length of the key. We already discussed key lengths in an older post. So today, let's talk about the other component.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS
What is a Digital Signature?
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Digital signatures help enforce security during data transfers. They're mainly responsible for establishing authentication, data integrity, and non-repudiation. Today, we'll be talking about the basic concepts behind digital signatures, where they're used, how they work, and why they're always an integral part of highly secure file transfers.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS, AS2
Understanding Hashing
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Hashes are essential to secure file transfers. You can find them in operations involving passwords, file integrity checks, digital signatures, digital certificate thumbprints or fingerprints, and others. But what are hashes? In this post, we'll introduce you to hashes, the concept of hashing, and its applications in various areas of security.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Secure File Transfer, FTPS
Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Overview: Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption
Secure file transfer protocols generally employ a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption to preserve the confidentiality of data while in transit. So why the need for two kinds of encryption? What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric? In this post, we take a closer look at the main functions of symmetric and asymmetric encryption, their strengths, their weaknesses, and why we'd prefer having both.
For an in-person look and your free trial, click here.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, File Transfer Clients, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS
What is an SSL File Transfer? | FTP-SSL | JSCAPE MFT Server
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Overview: What is an SSL File Transfer?
SSL file transfer is a term sometimes used in referring to a secure file transfer protocol known as FTPS or FTP-SSL. FTP is a network protocol used for transferring files, while SSL is a protocol for encrypting information sent over a network. This post is meant to help users understand what FTPS is and what it is capable of doing, particularly in terms of enhancing the security of your file transfers. We can also show and tell when you request a free trial.
Read MoreTopics: Secure File Transfer, FTPS
10 Ways to Make Server to Server File Transfers for Enterprise Use
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Server to server file transfers are usually associated with enterprise business processes. Interestingly, some of these file transfers actually don't fit the bill. In this post, we'll share some tips on how you can enhance your server to suit the stringent requirements of the enterprise.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, Triggers, FTPS, AS2
How to achieve truly secure FTP — 7 essential tips | JSACPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Although plain File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has been the data transfer solution of choice for several decades, it’s no longer fit for today’s business environments. With so many business processes now involving sensitive data, file transfer workflows are now at risk of various threats. And because plain or standard FTP is inherently plagued with serious vulnerabilities, it’s important to replace it with more secure alternatives. In this post, we’ll talk about how you can take advantage of two secure FTP options and make them even more suitable for transferring sensitive information.
Read MoreTopics: Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS, FTP
10 Essential Attributes of Secure File Transfer Systems
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Overview: Secure File Transfer Systems
Normally, when people send files over the Internet, they do it through email, FTP, or cloud-based file sharing services. That's perfectly fine if the files you send don't contain sensitive information. But if they do, you would have to employ a secure file transfer solution in order to prevent possible attackers from intercepting, viewing, stealing, or altering the information you transmit.
Read MoreTopics: Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS