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Why more IT professionals are switching from basic SFTP server software to MFT
Updated by John V. on
5 signs your MFT vendor is capable of mitigating zero-day data breaches
Updated by John V. on
Zero-day exploits are currently one of the most prevalent cyber attacks impacting file transfer solutions. We won’t go into specifics, but a recent file-transfer-related data breach that impacted almost a million individual records was caused by a zero-day exploit.
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How to set up a HTTPS file transfer
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) file transfers are two of the most user-friendly methods for carrying out user-initiated file uploads and downloads. Users only need a web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari to perform these actions. In a previous tutorial, we outlined the steps for setting up an HTTP file transfer. So, in this post, we’ll focus more on HTTPS.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Secure File Transfer, HTTPS
MFT servers explained: Why your business needs one now
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Increased IT complexity, regulatory compliance obligations and senior management demands for greater efficiency are rapidly rendering general-purpose file transfer solutions incapable of meeting current business needs. To address these challenges, proactive businesses have been shifting from traditional solutions to managed file transfer (MFT) servers.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, FTP Server, sftp server
Using SFTP with the Cloud
Updated by John V. on
For several decades, SFTP, which stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol, has been arguably the most widely used solution for transferring sensitive data across the internet. In the past few years, however, we’ve seen increased adoption of what’s known as SFTP cloud.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, SFTP, file transfer
What is Managed file transfer (MFT)?
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Managed file transfer is a category of solutions that enable secure, centrally managed, regulatory-compliant, automated, reliable and efficient data movement. An MFT solution can support a full range of file transfer needs — from user-initiated file transfers and multi-user file sharing to automated business-to-business (B2B) data exchanges. It’s essentially an all-in-one solution that caters to organizations looking to simplify increasingly complex data transfer workflows.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, file transfer, mft solutions
What is the fastest way to transfer large files over the Internet?
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
When your business processes involve large files that need to cross the internet in the fastest way possible, look beyond traditional methods like email or cloud-based file sharing services. These methods fall short of meeting certain business requirements for time-sensitive large file transfers. In many cases, your best option would be a managed file transfer (MFT) solution.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Secure File Transfer, file transfer, mft solutions
What is MFTaaS? An introduction to managed file transfer SaaS
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Managed file transfer as a service (MFTaaS) is revolutionizing file transfer workflows by improving efficiency and security while reducing cost and maintenance. Its emergence coincides with businesses seeking to cut expenses, tackle growing cyber threats and meet the demand for streamlined operations. But what exactly is MFTaaS?
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, file transfer, transfer protocols, mft solutions, JSCAPE SaaS
Unlock your potential: JSCAPE courses now available in Redwood University!
Updated by Tre'Vaughn Heath on
Have you heard the exciting news!? Redwood University recently expanded its training resources for JSCAPE by Redwood customers. Whether you're a seasoned user or just getting started, these courses are designed to enhance your expertise and maximize the benefits of the JSCAPE platform.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Tutorials
JSCAPE 2024.2: More Enhancements, Big Impact
Updated by Kristin Gelinas on
JSCAPE 2024.2 is here, with numerous feature enhancements making a big impact. The newest features are designed to make using JSCAPE by Redwood easier than ever, plus some exciting news about JSCAPE MFTaaS. Read on to learn more about how Version 2024.2 will improve your overall JSCAPE experience. Download Version 2024.2 now
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