File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has very few advantages over Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). However, if you measure the transfer speed between an FTP client and an FTP server and compare that with the speed between an SFTP client and an SFTP server in exactly the same network conditions, the FTP transfer usually comes out faster.
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How to use SFTP compression
Updated by John V. on
Topics: SFTP
Why more IT professionals are switching from basic SFTP server software to MFT
Updated by John V. on
Using SFTP with the Cloud
Updated by John V. on
For several decades, SFTP, which stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol, has been arguably the most widely used solution for transferring sensitive data across the internet. In the past few years, however, we’ve seen increased adoption of what’s known as SFTP cloud.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, SFTP, file transfer
7 alternatives to an SFTP platform you probably didn’t know
Updated by John V. on
Many of our customers use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for their business file transfers. While SFTP is certainly a good choice for organizations looking to securely transfer multiple files or large files directly to their intended recipient, it’s not the only solution suited for that purpose. In this post, we’ll review seven secure FTP alternatives and discuss their advantages and disadvantages compared to what many consider the de-facto standard for secure, multi-file and large file transfers.
Read MoreTopics: SFTP, sftp server
Fixing SSH/SFTP client connection issues involving Diffie-Hellman-Group1-SHA1
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
When you’re troubleshooting connectivity issues between Secure Shell (SSH)/Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) clients and servers, it pays to inspect the error messages generated on both sides of a connection. Those messages often provide vital clues about the problem. If your error messages involve the Diffie-Hellman-Group1-SHA1 key exchange algorithm, you’ll want to stick around. In the succeeding sections, we’ll be discussing the underlying cause of this particular issue and how to fix it.
Read MoreTopics: Secure File Transfer, SFTP, diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
When SFTP isn’t enough— Signs you need an MFT Solution
Updated by Kyle Lapaglia on
For the past few decades, many organizations have used the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) as their main file transfer solution. It’s more secure and less prone to connectivity issues than the archaic File Transfer Protocol (FTP). However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that SFTP is also starting to age. Companies struggle to meet today’s business needs and use cases with purely SFTP-based solutions.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, SFTP, sftp server, mft solutions
AS2 vs SFTP—What’s the difference?
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
What is AS2 protocol?
AS2 or Applicability Statement 2 is a file transfer protocol that’s commonly used in business-to-business (B2B) data transfers. It’s based on the S/MIME and HTTP/S protocols. While you can theoretically use AS2 to transfer almost any type of file, it’s normally associated with electronic data interchange (EDI).
Read MoreTopics: SFTP, AS2, FTP, file transfer protocol
SFTP vs MFT: Why Managed File Transfer Is Better
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
When you first start scouting for the right file transfer protocol for your organization, you’re bound to encounter these two acronyms: SFTP and MFT. SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, whereas MFT stands for Managed File Transfer. While SFTP is indeed a protocol, MFT isn’t. Nevertheless, these two acronyms become increasingly intertwined once you explore advanced, secure, automated file transfer solutions.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, SFTP, FTP
How To Automate An SFTP File Transfer
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Automated SFTP file transfers are traditionally done through scripts, but there's a much easier way. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to automate SFTP file transfers without scripting a single line of code.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Tutorials, Secure File Transfer, SFTP, Triggers
What Is AES Encryption And How Does It Work?
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Overview: What Is AES?
First adopted by the U.S. government to protect classified information, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has long gained global acceptance and is used for securing sensitive data in various industries. In this post, we'll discuss AES encryption and explain its vital role in securing sensitive files sent over the Internet.
Read MoreTopics: Secure File Transfer, SFTP, FTPS, AS2