Overview: SFTP Command Line
Although GUI SFTP file transfer clients are more intuitive to use, some people still prefer to use SFTP through the command line. That's understandable. If you're already familiar with all the commands you need, a command line interface can be so much faster and powerful than any GUI-based counterpart. In this post, we're going to introduce you to the SFTP command line and show you how it can be quite a handy tool as long as you're willing to roll up your sleeves and get dirty.
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Secure File Transfer,
To support both regular and sensitive data transfers, businesses typically reinforce their FTP service with a secure file transfer protocol like SFTP. But while these secure network protocols do a good job in protecting data during transmission, data-in-motion security isn't the only thing trading partners require from a file transfer system.
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Managed File Transfer,
Business Process Automation,
Overview: How to Use an SFTP Client
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to use an SFTP client to connect with an SFTP server and then upload and download files with it. In addition, I will talk about host keys and how they are used to verify the server's identity. Finally, I will also demonstrate how to load up a private key and take advantage of public key authentication.
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File Transfer Clients,
Secure File Transfer,
SFTP is a secure method for transferring files between two computers. SFTP can stand for either SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol. This post will introduce you to the major functions of SFTP, its differences and similarities with FTP, its basic usage, and other important characteristics.
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Secure File Transfer,
Server to server file transfers are usually associated with enterprise business processes. Interestingly, some of these file transfers actually don't fit the bill. In this post, we'll share some tips on how you can enhance your server to suit the stringent requirements of the enterprise.
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Managed File Transfer,
Business Process Automation,
Secure File Transfer,
Once the crooks have obtained our login credentials, they can just simply login to our FTP server and grab whatever files they find.
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File Transfer Clients,
Secure File Transfer,
Although plain File Transfer Protocol (FTP) has been the data transfer solution of choice for several decades, it’s no longer fit for today’s business environments. With so many business processes now involving sensitive data, file transfer workflows are now at risk of various threats. And because plain or standard FTP is inherently plagued with serious vulnerabilities, it’s important to replace it with more secure alternatives. In this post, we’ll talk about how you can take advantage of two secure FTP options and make them even more suitable for transferring sensitive information.
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Secure File Transfer,
Overview: Secure File Transfer Systems
Normally, when people send files over the Internet, they do it through email, FTP, or cloud-based file sharing services. That's perfectly fine if the files you send don't contain sensitive information. But if they do, you would have to employ a secure file transfer solution in order to prevent possible attackers from intercepting, viewing, stealing, or altering the information you transmit.
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Secure File Transfer,
JSCAPE is pleased to announce the release new versions of it's Secure FTP Factory (9.0), Secure iNet Factory (9.0) and SSH Factory (4.0) Java networking components suites.
The changes made as part of these releases are centered around the SSH and SFTP protocols and include the following:
- Enhancement - Ability to set the maximum incoming window size on the Ssh class.
- Enhancement - Ability to respond to OpenSSH keep alive request.
- Enhancement - Ability to set the file modification time using Sftp class.
- Bug Fix - Fix issue with Ssh and Sftp class automatically closing channels upon a server disconnect.
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Secure File Transfer,
In addition to the information below, we're offering a free trial when you contact your account manager.
SCP is another old SSH (Secure Shell) file-transfer protocol — it can be traced back to the rcp command that was added to BSD Unix in 1982, which makes it the same age as ET The Extraterrestrial. It may have been the protocol ET used to communicate with his mothership. If he had had JSCAPE's Secure FTP Factory library, things might have gone more easily.
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Secure File Transfer,