If you're a programmer, you've already learned dozens of TLA's (Three Letter Acronyms). If a phrase has four words, of course, we don't call the acronym an "FLA" because any civilian could understand that. We call it an ETLA (Extended Three Letter Acronym)! In the previous article, you saw how to use JSCAPE's Secure FTP Factory to safely transmit files using the fine ETLA FTPS. This time, we'll show you an even better way to transfer files securely using the even cooler ETLA SFTP. Being able to remember things like this is the mark of a professional programmer.
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Secure File Transfer with Java SFTP Library | JSCAPE
Updated by Charles Ott on
Topics: SFTP
Secure File Transfer with Java FTP Library | JSCAPE
Updated by Charles Ott on
When two little kids want to exchange a secret, a lot of negotiation is necessary: "Promise you won't tell? Cross your heart and hope to die?". When a client and server computer want to exchange secrets, they need to negotiate too: public keys, encryption methods, ports and more. Fortunately, JSCAPE's Secure FTP Factory and server software (such as JSCAPE MFT Server) handle most of the details for you.
Read MoreHow to Transfer Files with the Java FTP Library | JSCAPE
Updated by Charles Ott on
Here's some philosophy to go with the Secure FTP Factory library. There are some things in life that you should never do unless you feel completely secure. One of them is withdrawing money from an ATM. You should do this only in a safe, well lit and preferably high traffic environment where you are unlikely to be robbed. Another is uploading or downloading files using plain FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Read MoreSecure FTP Factory 8.8.0 Released
Updated by Mohammad Jawwad on