Update Virus Database Definitions Using Avast

Updated by Van Glass on

This custom trigger action updates the virus database definitions using Avast anti-virus software. 


Source code and build instructions



How to update virus database definitions

 Let me now show you how to implement that.


1.  Make sure you have already Avast installed in the server

Before creating a custom trigger action, you need to have Avast anti-virus software installed in the server where JSCAPE MFT Server is running.

2.  Create a Trigger for Avast Virus Update

Login into admin console of JSCAPE MFT Server > Triggers and Click Add to create a Trigger

Give the trigger a Name and then select the Current Time event type from the drop-down list.



Click Next to Step 2 where a condition can be set to execute the trigger.

Below screen shows a condition that the trigger should execute at 22 Hours 30 minute . Set the condition as Hour =22 AND Minute 30 ( Avast Virus Database will be updated every day at 22 hours 30 minutes )

Once the condition is set Click Next to proceed



The step 3 asks to add an action, Add the action "Avast Update Virus Definitions" from drop down list. If the action not found read the build instructions (Source code and build instructions) .

Add the action and Click OK to proceed




The Parameters for the action "Avast Update Virus Definitions" are ;

  • Location 
  • Arguments
  • Output Log


As the name indicates, Location is the path where "avast.vpsupdate" process is located. Arguments (not mandatory) represent the parameters passed along with "avast.vpsupdate" command. 

Output log  (not mandatory) as avast.vpsupdate has its own default log settings. The  avast.conf has all configuration settings.

Click OK to save the settings 



Need log to be different location, input "-l" in the argument field and path to where the log to be written the output log field as shown below.



That's it. Now you know how to create a trigger to update the Avast Virus Database.








Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Triggers, Actions

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