As discussed in our previous post, JSCAPE MFT Server now gives you the capability to perform automated data transfers with hosts with no file transfer service. If you read that post, you know this can be done through what we call JSCAPE MFT Server Agents. We then promised to launch a series of posts teaching you how to use this new feature. We'll start fulfilling that promise now by teaching you how to set up an Agent Service and an Agent Trading Partner.
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How To Set Up An Agent Service & Trading Partner | JSCAPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Topics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Videos, Tutorials
How to Transfer Data to a Host Without a Service | JSCAPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
As an IT administrator, you probably encountered this problem before — there's this host that you want to transfer files with on an automated basis but it doesn't have any file transfer service. The problem gets even more complicated if that host is owned by a trading partner and that partner has no one capable of setting up a file transfer service on it.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation
How To Copy Data From Azure To AWS S3 | JSCAPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
If your business stores data in multiple cloud storage solutions, chances are you've already encountered many instances when you had to transfer data from one cloud solution to another. In this post, you'll learn an easy way to do that using JSCAPE MFT Server. As an example, we'll show you how to set up JSCAPE MFT Server so that you can automatically copy data from Azure to AWS S3.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Videos, Tutorials, Triggers
How to Sync a Remote FTP Server to S3 | JSCAPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
In a previous post, we taught you how to mirror an FTP/S service running on JSCAPE MFT Server to an Amazon S3 bucket folder. You can set up a similar process using any remote FTP/S service even if that service isn't running on a JSCAPE MFT Server instance. We'll show you how to do that in this post.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Videos, Tutorials, FTPS
File Synchronization Added In Newly Released JSCAPE MFT Server 12.1
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
JSCAPE, a leading provider of platform-independent managed file transfer solutions, is pleased to announce the latest release of MFT Server, 12.1.
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How to Mirror a FTP Server to S3 Storage | JSCAPE
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
If your FTP/S service runs on JSCAPE MFT Server, it's possible to mirror files stored in that FTP server to an Amazon S3 bucket folder. We'll show you how to do that in this post.
Read MoreTopics: Ad-Hoc File Transfers, JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Videos, Tutorials, Triggers
What is AS2 protocol? How to use Applicability Statement 2
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
Overview: What is the AS2 file transfer protocol?
AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a file transfer protocol that enables organizations to conduct fully automated,server-to-server file transfers. You can use it to exchange business documents with one or more parties in a paper-free manner. AS2 can be used for exchanging digitized purchase orders, invoices, healthcare claims and other types of business documents. By exchanging these files through AS2, you can ensure message integrity, confidentiality and reliability.
AS2 is based on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and incorporates Secure/Multipurpose Internet Email Extensions (S/MIME) for business-grade messaging. AS2’s built-in electronic receipt functionality, known as Message Disposition Notification (MDN), is a function of S/MIME. Since firewalls are normally configured to allow HTTP and HTTPS (HTTP secure) connections, you won’t have to apply any configuration changes to your firewall for AS2 to work.
The AS2 protocol can transfer almost any type of file over the Internet. However, it’s more closely associated with EDI messages. To get a good grasp of AS2, you need to understand what Electronic Data Interchange is first.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Business Process Automation, Secure File Transfer, AS2
How to Monitor SFTP Directories & Download Files
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to monitor directories on a remote SFTP server and then download any new files on a periodic basis.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Videos, Tutorials, SFTP
Why and How You Should Verify An SSH/SFTP Client Key's Fingerprint Before Using It
Updated by John Carl Villanueva on
In one of our previous posts, we talked about the importance of authenticating an SFTP host before logging into it and how to use the host's RSA key fingerprint to carry out the authentication. The same principle applies when you import a user's client key for public key authentication. If you'd like to walk through it with an expert, request a free trial.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Secure File Transfer, SFTP
Dell EMC Scales File Transfers to Thousands
Updated by Van Glass on
Customer Profile
Dell EMC enables organizations to modernize, automate and transform their data center using industry-leading converged infrastructure, servers, storage and data protection technologies. Businesses get a trusted foundation to transform their IT and develop new and better ways to work through hybrid cloud, the creation of cloud-native applications and big data solutions.
Read MoreTopics: JSCAPE MFT, Managed File Transfer, Case Studies